Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Beginning

Okay, so I can't sleep but for good reasons! I can't stop thanking God! Before I say why, let me back up for some of you. After the earthquake in Haiti I was looking at some photos of the devastation of of all places. One picture was of newly orphaned babies, toddlers lined up sleeping on mattresses. My heart broke for them. I didn't just see these Haitian babies, I saw my babies-Jace and Maleah, Caleb and Josiah. I saw children who were in families that wanted them and loved them but no more. I saw brokenness, confusion, a need for a momma and daddy to hold them and whisper words of love and reassurance to them. I felt pain in my heart and just broke down. In my tears I went to Richard just sharing my heart's cry for these children. Of course he hugged me and held me and then I dried my tears and we went on with our evening. Not until the next day did he tell me he was working on some things worshiping and in the presence of God when I came to him in my tears. He was moved by my compassion and for the Father's compassion. He was moved to desire to adopt. His words to me were, "I can see us with a little Haitian". He also told me that he felt God leading him to send financial support through Messenger Int. in their efforts toward Haiti. So, while he was on the phone making that transaction he was just sharing with the young lady our interest, our story. Looking to God to work things out this is the next chapter in this story.

A week or so later Richard, told me that someone with Messenger International called to talk to him about our interest in adoption. Turns out that he just brought home his children from Haiti. Before this phone call my prayers had been, "Lord, are we to adopt from Haiti or did you use this to turn our hearts back toward adoption? Where do we start?" This man who contacted Richard told us he wants us to start by getting a home study done.

We don't, as of now, meet the requirements of Haiti to adopt, in that we already have 4 of our own children (the requirement is no more than 2 bios) but this man feels that some of those laws will be excused or changed because of the amount of children who lost their parents. He estimated about 50,000 children right now are orphaned. We know that adoptions in Haiti are currently on hold but what a great connection and direction we now have! I'm so excited at God's work and moving in this. I just keep thanking him and praying for these precious children. My heart is overwhelmed by his goodness, it was just the news I was needed but didn't even know I needed! Make sense?

Please pray for us as we watch and wait for the next step to light up for us to walk on as we follow behind God on his path for us.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for inviting me to join this journey with you and richard. we are standing by to offer all the support and prayers we can. we love you both dearly!
